One Alternative

Still undecided about the ultimate fate of DeepBlue (this week’s appellation or designation for the Nine-Forty-Four-That-Sometimes-Sits-In-My-Garage), one thought did occur as I was contemplating the forthcoming winter season (never too early to plan, you know).  Perhaps I should quasi-rally-prep the thing in anticipation.  Now, I haven’t seen many rally-prepared 944s — but quite a good number of 911s, on the other hand — but here is one I dredged up on the Greater Interwebs (, actually) as a source of inspiration:

This Spanish beauty is for sale for 8,000 euros.   (I did note the European one-piece rear bumper, which I definitely prefer to mine … but I would then need to rid myself of that slightly horrendous “third-eye” Porsche-redundant-branded reflector between the rear lights … which I will probably never do, short of a rotisserie restoration … which I will definitely never do …)

Nevertheless, here is probably the finest rally-prep Porsche I have come across online; I can hardly imagine anything more inspiring than this 912:

Sorry, I can’t seem to find a credit for that one, but will update this post if I find it later.

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