Out With The Old, In With The New

This is the upshot of the recently fated trip of the Blue Rascal.  A new radiator, FedEx’d from Pelican Parts, now replaces the leaking one you see here.  Sorry, no r&r pics.

And I have now had a chance to calculate the MPG from that 369-mile (just counting the miles under its own power, of course) jaunt: 31.2.  Not bad considering several miles of enthusiastic canyon carving, continuous “keeping up with traffic” at an indicated 75-80 mph, plus a fair amount of time in hot weather city traffic.

But there are still some electrical gremlins to be dealt with:  power windows and seatbelt warning chime.  We’ll get there.  Stay tuned.

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2 Responses to Out With The Old, In With The New

  1. Pingback: So I Meet This Guy … |

  2. Pingback: 944 Radiator Work |

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