So I Meet This Guy …

20140630-DSC_0128Mark.  Seems that in a former life he raced dirt track sprint cars.  Our meeting came at a recent, more inauspicious time.  This was when he drove the tow truck we summoned from the Middle of Outer Nowhere — actually only about 30 miles from home — ignobly documented here and here.   I was rather surprised to find that he could speak in an informed way not only about Porsche in general, but was quite familiar with the 944 variant itself, speaking of his respect for the rear-trans-chassis layout and weight distribution advantanges, among other commentary.

Our little misadventure occurred  in the final leg of a nearly 400-mile trip, otherwise marked by perfect performance and rapid traversal of canyon curves, when the Blue Rascal started spewing coolant out of its own radiator.  Now replaced, thanks to a FedEx from Pelican Parts.  As discussed here.


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