Coming up on the third anniversary — April 7, to be exact — of the acquisition of the Blue Rascal, I take inventory of the bodywork isues that are being gradually addressed over these three years. Mechanical and driveability issues have always taken first priority, and get resolved relatively quickly. But the cosmetics have been a slower grind. What started as two major (the horribly crumpled left front fender area and a sizeable dent just behind the driver’s door) and two minor (both rocker panels were slightly creased, apparently by a curb encounter or the like) identified upon original presale inspection have gone on to number over twenty varied imperfections, mostly dings or depressions virtually invisible except in exacting light or detected only by the feel of heel of a hand. Here goes, basically clockwise from the driver side:
- 01 driver door
- 02 driver/left rocker panel
- 03 hood, left rear corner
- 04 hood
- 05 hood
- 06 left replacement fender
- 07 left headlight cover
- 08 front fascia
- 09 right fender (replacement)
- 10 right rocker panel
- 11 right door, front
- 12 right passenger door
- 13 behind right door
- 14 right side behind sunroof
- 15 right rear fender
- 16 right rear fender, lower
- 17 remove reflector & reposition license tag
- 18 trailing left fender
- 19 left fender
- 20 behind left door
- 21 left side behind sunroof
- 22 above driver door