Newsstand Browsing

Grocery shopping is not that high on my list of favorite activities, but when I sometimes accompany my wife on her rounds I while away the time at the magazine shelves. Today at Safeway I read a piece in the latest Hemmings Motor News comparing, of all things, two 1979 vehicles: Porsche 928 and Pontiac Trans-Am. Both roughly matched in weight and horsepower and both supposedly fun drives, but in quite different ways. Ironically, the 928 was three or four times the original price of the Trans-Am, but the latter now generally commands significantly more in the collector marketplace. I know which one I would much rather live with (or just look at).



Next, in my magazine browsing, a title caught my eye on the cover of the November issue of Maxim (a publication that I would probably never otherwise give a second glance — in spite of its arresting multi-page photo spread on model Hannah Ferguson). The piece of interest, “Porsche 356 For The Connoisseur”, provided some fine photography and text on the Emory 356 Outlaw cars (sometimes I faux-wrestle in my mind as to whether I would prefer an Emory Outlaw or a Singer 911, and the former often wins out).

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